
上海海洋大學水產與生命學院教授 宋佳坤簡介

2012-07-04 13:21   來源:未知   作者:admin    點擊:

摘要:教授宋佳坤 宋佳坤 女 1967 年上海水產學院海水養(yǎng)殖專業(yè)五年本科畢業(yè);1970-1974任福建省寧德地區(qū)水產局養(yǎng)殖生產技術負責人,領導并參與完成紫貽貝南移,對蝦及海馬人工養(yǎng)殖等一系列創(chuàng)新項目;1974-1980中國科學院北京動物研究所助理研究員,參加廣西魚類志


宋佳坤 女 1967 年上海水產學院海水養(yǎng)殖專業(yè)五年本科畢業(yè);1970-1974任福建省寧德地區(qū)水產局養(yǎng)殖生產技術負責人,領導并參與完成紫貽貝南移,對蝦及海馬人工養(yǎng)殖等一系列創(chuàng)新項目;1974-1980中國科學院北京動物研究所助理研究員,參加“廣西魚類志”,“南海諸島魚類志”(獲1981年部級技術改進成果一等獎),“中國動物志,鯔形目(包括魣形目和馬鲅目)和部分鱨科”,“中國魚類檢索”(獲1990年中國科學院自然科學二等獎),“中國魚類圖譜”等野外標本采集,鑒定和寫作;1980年9月,由朱元鼎院長和中科院動物所鄭作新教授推薦,考取美國密執(zhí)安大學(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)全額獎學金,由中科院自費公派留學。1982年5月獲得動物學碩士學位 (M.S.),1989年8月獲生物科學博士(Ph.D.),主修比較神經生物學和魚類學。1987-1989 美國加州大學圣地亞哥斯克律浦海洋研究所助理研究員。1992年榮獲美國先進科學協(xié)會(American Association for Advanced Sciences, 簡稱 AAAS, 出刊物“Science”周刊)的榮譽會員(Fellow of AAAS)為表彰在“腦神經個體與系統(tǒng)發(fā)育理論上的獨特見解和貢獻,以及在魚類側線與側線神經系統(tǒng)的新發(fā)現”。從1992年起,任職于美國馬里蘭大學研究教授,美國斯密森研究院國家合作領自然歷史博物館客座研究員。1995 年起為中科院北京動物研究所客座研究員;1997年起,上海水大兼職教授;2006年起,為上海水產大學特聘教授,并于2007年11月,旨于為包括:進化與發(fā)生科學,海洋生物行為與生態(tài)環(huán)境的神經科學,以及現代生物工程與仿生科學等的學科提供一個可交叉的平臺,創(chuàng)立了國內第一所, 國際上也屬前沿創(chuàng)舉的“上海水產大學海洋生物系統(tǒng)和神經科學研究所”,任第一任所長。并為該所揭幕邀請了世界15位著名專家成功召開“21世紀進化生物與魚類神經科學的進展與展望—魚類感覺,行為,進化與發(fā)育”的研討會 (11/29-12/2/2007)。在近二十年的研究生涯中,以首席研究員(PI)或銜研究員(Co-PI)多次獲得美國斯密森研究院(Smithsonian Institution),美國國家衛(wèi)生研究基金會(NIH), 和中國國家自然科學基金會等機構的研究經費。 應邀于美國和國內外其它大學以及國際會議作專題講演達22次,發(fā)表的專著和主要期刊論文21篇,發(fā)表文摘及專業(yè)會議報告17篇。
? American Association for the Advancement of Science美國先進科學協(xié)會
? American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists美國魚類和兩棲爬行動物學家協(xié)會
? International Brain Research Organization國際腦研究組織
? J. B. Johnston Club for Neurobiologists神經生物學家俱樂部.
? Society for Neurosciences神經科學學會
? 中國魚類學會Chinese Society of Ichthyologists
? 中國水產學會觀賞魚協(xié)會(瀕危種保護委員會副主席)Chinese Society of Fisheries and Association of Hobby Fishes [Co-Chair of Endanger Species Protection Committee]
? Integrative Zoology, the official journal for the International Society of Zoological Sciences, published by the Blackwell Publishing House (2006- )
? The Redlist of Chinese Endangered Species, Vol. II Fishes, pp.308 (2004)
Journal of Morphology
Acta Zoologica
Brain Research
“The US Fisheries Research,Education,and Management”,Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Sciences of Zhejiang Province, Huzhou, China, February 2, 2007.
“Innervation, orientation, and homology of the cephalic lateral line pattern in gobies: A phylogenetic interpretation based on new keys from evo-devo studies”, Gobioid Fishes Symposium, at the 86th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, July 15, 2006
“A Heater in the brain case of the Bluefin tunafish”, the VIIth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, May 19, 2005
“Evolutionary morphology: from gene expression to phylogeny of characters”, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, October 8, 2003.
“Functional gene expression and morphological pattern formation in study of fish biology”, Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Sciences of Zhejiang Province, Huzhou, China, September 27, 2003.
“Hierarchies in development and phylogeny: morphological patterns of pelvic fins in teleost fishes”, William A. Gosline Symposium on Neotropical Ichthyology, at 83th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologist Manus, Amazonas, Brazil, June 28, 2003.
“Peripheral innervation pattern analysis in the study of fish phylogeny”, Symposium of Chinese Society of Ichthyology 20th Anniversary and Celebration in Memory of Professor Wu Xien-Wen’s 100th Anniversary of His Birth, Xiamen, China, November 3, 1999.
“Introducing ‘edutainment’ concept into Chinese public education in environment protection, conservation and biodiversity sciences”, at CCIECD Biodiversity Working Group and IUCN regional meeting, Haikou, China, April 4, 1998; and Penyu, China, August 21, 1999.
“‘Edutainment’ in marine science, environment protection, conservation and biodiversity - Introduction of a successful public education program in a modern aquarium and the first one in China-Blue Zoo Beijing”, at The Annual Meeting of the Chinese Association of the Aquaria, Fuzhou, China, November 17, 1997.
"Innervation pattern and homologous analysis in fish systematic study, 1966’-1970’ Classes Reunion Special Seminar, Alumni Association of Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, October 27, 1996.
"Motor components of the trigeminal nerve and organization of the mandibular arch muscles in vertebrates: phylogenetically conservative patterns and their ontogenetic basis", at the Department of Biology, George Washington University, DC September 16, 1994.
"Homology of mandibular muscles in chondrichthyans and other craniates", at the Department of Zoology, Hong Kong University, January 11, 1994.
"The relationship of studies in systematics and biodiversity", at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, December 29, 1993.
"Homology of mandibular muscles in chondrichthyans and other craniates", for Symposium of the Systematics, Biology and Evolution of Chondrichthyans, The 4th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1, 1993.
"Innervation, orientation and homology of head neuromasts in gobies", for Symposium of the Systematics, Behavior and Evolution of Gobies, The 4th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, November 30, 1993.
"Homology of mandibular muscles among vertebrates: Phylogenetic patterns and their ontogenetic basis", for the Evolution and Ecology Seminar Series at the Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, March 14, 1993.
"Homology of mandibular muscles among vertebrates: Phylogenetic patterns and their ontogenetic basis", for the Vertebrate Zoology Seminar Series at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, November 23, 1992.
"The trigeminal motor component and the mandibular arch muscles", for Symposium of the Structure, Development and Phylogeny of Cranial Nerves, American Society of Zoologists, Atlanta, GA, December 30, 1991.
"Lateral line innervation and dermal bone homology in fishes", for the Zoology Seminar Series at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, September 24, 1990.
"Peripheral distribution and central projection of the lateral line nerves in gars", for Symposium of the Neurobiology and Evolution of the Lateral Line System, University of Bielefeld, Germany, August 31 September 4, 1987.
"The distribution of the lateral line receptors in gars", for Symposium of the Sensory Biology of Aquatic Animals, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, June 1985.
"The morphology of the cephalic lateral line canals and their taxonomic significance in Chinese Mugiliform fish", Chinese Society of Zoologists, Kunming, China, October 1978.
1) Monograph and Book Chapters 專著:
Song J et al., 2008. The inner ears of Northern Canadian freshwater fishes following exposure to seismic air gun sounds J Acoust Soc Am 2008 124 (2): 1360-1366
Popper AN, Kane A, Song J. et al., 2007. The effects of high-intensity, low-frequency active sonar on rainbow trout. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 (1): 623- 635.
Song, J., A. Mathieu, R.F. Soper, & A. N. Popper 2006. Structure of the inner ear of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). J. Fish Biol. 68: 1767-1781.
Plachta D. T., J. Song, & A. N. Popper 2004. Neuronal encoding of ultrasonic sound by a fish. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 91(6): 2590-2597.
Lu, Z., J. Song, & A. N. Popper 1998. Encoding of acoustic directional information by saccular afferents of the sleeper goby, Dormitator latifrons, J. Comp. Physiol. A, 182: 805-815.
Song, J., H. Y. Yan, & A. N. Popper 1995. Damage and recovery of the hair cells in the canal (but not superficial) neuromasts after gentamicin exposure, Hearing Research, 91: 63-71.
Parenti, L. R. & J. Song. 1996. Phylogenetic significance of the pectoral-pelvic fin association in acanthomorph fishes: a reassessment using comparative neuroanatomy, pp. 427-444, in Interrelationship of fishes, (Eds.) Stiassny, M. L. J., Parenti, L.R., and G. D. Johnson. Academic Press, New York.
Song, J. 1989. The lateral line system in the Florida Gar (Lepisosteus platyrhincus), Ph. D. dissertation, University of Michigan, pp. 264, Univ. Micro. Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Burdetter, B. & J. Song (Editors) 1987. Marine Science, a catalogue of doctoral dissertations, 1982 1986, Univ. Micro. Inc. Ann Arbor, MI, pp.52
Song, J. 1986. The Mugiliformes, and part of Bagridae, in "Systematic synopsis of Chinese fishes", Vol.1, 2, Editors: Cheng, Q. & B. Zheng, Science Press, Beijing, China, pp.593
Song, J. 1980. Mugiliform fish in the South China Sea, pp.104 115, figs.60 65, in "The fishes of the islands in the South China Sea", Science Press, 1980, Beijing, China, pp.625
Song, J. 1974. The aquaculture and the fishery of prawns in the Dong Wu Bay. (A Technical Report in Chinese)
Song, J. 1973. The introduction of a new breed of mussel (Mytilus edule) to aquaculture in Fujian Province. (Technical Reports in Chinese)
Song, J. 1972. The experimental breeding program of sea horse (Hippocampus japonicus and Hippocampus trimaculatus) in Luo Yuen, the Dong Wu Bay. (A Technical Report in Chinese)
Song, J. 1971. A successful experiment in transplanting mature kelp surviving the summer in Fujian Province. (Technical Reports in Chinese)
2) Refereed Journals
Popper AN, Kane A, Song J. et al., 2007. The effects of high-intensity, low-frequency active sonar on rainbow trout. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 (1): 623- 635.
Song, J., A. Mathieu, R.F. Soper, & A. N. Popper 2006. Structure of the inner ear of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). J. Fish Biol. 68: 1767-1781.
Plachta D. T., J. Song, & A. N. Popper 2004. Neuronal encoding of ultrasonic sound by a fish. J. Comp. Physiol. A, 91(6): 2590-2597.
Lu, Z., J. Song, & A. N. Popper 1998. Encoding of acoustic directional information by saccular afferents of the sleeper goby, Dormitator latifrons, J. Comp. Physiol. A, 182: 805-815.
Song, J., H. Y. Yan, & A. N. Popper 1995. Damage and recovery of the hair cells in the canal (but not superficial) neuromasts after gentamicin exposure, Hearing Research, 91: 63-71.
Song, J. & L. R. Parenti 1995. Clearing and staining whole fish specimens for simultaneous demonstration of bone, cartilage, and nerves, Copeia, 1995, 1: 114-118.
Song, J. & R. L. Boord 1993. Motor components of the trigeminal nerve and organization of mandibular arch muscles: phylogenetic conservative patterns and their ontogenetic basis. Symposium proceeding for the "Structure, Development and Phylogeny of Cranial Nerves, ASZ, 1991", Acta Anatomica, 148: 139-149.
Song, J. & R. Glenn Northcutt 1991. The Primary projections of the lateral line nerves of the Florida Gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus, J. Brain, Behavior, & Evolution, 37 (1): 38 63.
Song, J. & R. Glenn Northcutt 1991. The morphology, distribution and Innervation of the lateral line receptors of the Florida Gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus, J. Brain, Behavior, & Evolution, 37 (1): 10 37.
Smith, M. L., J. Song, & R. R. Miller 1984. Redescription, variation and zoogeography of the Mexican darter Etheostoma pottsi (Pisces: Percidae), The Southwestern Naturalist, 29 (4): 395 402, figs.2
Song, J. 1982. Revision of three common mugilid fishes from China, Chinese Journal of Zoology, 2:7 13, figs.4
Song, J. 1981. Chinese mugilid fishes and morphology of their cephalic lateral line canals, Sinozoologia, 1:9 21, figs.15, pl.1
Song, J. 1978. The biological study of Varicorhinus (Onychostoma) gerlachi (Peters), Journal of Guangxi Fisheries, 1:11 15
3) Abstracts and Conference Presentation:
Guo, HY, Wei, K, Song, J. Tang W. 2007. “Sibling species discrimination of Chinese Coilia fish based on morphology of the sagittal otolith” 87th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologist [Present at St. Louis, July 17, 2007]
Song, J. 2006. “Innervation, orientation, and homology of the cephalic lateral line pattern in gobies: A phylogenetic interpretation based on new keys from evo-devo studies” 86rd Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologist [Present at New Orleans, July 15, 2006]
Song, J. 2005. “A heater in the brain case of the Bluefin tunafish”, the VIIth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference [Present at Taipei, Taiwan, May 19, 2005]
Song, J. 2004. “From brain to body: reveal the hierarchies of development
phylogeny via adult morphology”, The XIX International Congress of Zoology Meeting, [Presented at Beijing, China, August 27, 2004]
Song, J., & L. R. Parenti. 2003. Hierarchies in development and phylogeny: morphological patterns of pelvic fins in teleost fishes, 83rd Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologist [Present at Manus, Brazil, June 28, 2003]
Song, J. 1995. Innervation pattern in fish systematic study, 75th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists:38 [Presented at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 8, 1995]
Song, J., X. Jia, and A. N. Popper. 1995. Differences in postembryonic growth and ultra structure of sensory and supporting cells in the canal and superficial neuromasts of the lateral-line, Abstracts of the 15th Midwinter Research Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology: 175 [Presented at St. Petersburg, FL, February 5, 1995]
Song, J., H. Y. Yan, and A. N. Popper. 1994. Two types of hair cells in the mechanosensory lateral line receptors: Evidence based on ototoxicity sensitivity, Abstracts of the 14th Midwinter Research Meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology: 299 [Presented at St. Petersburg, FL, February 6, 1994]
Song, J. 1993. Morphology, distribution and innervation of the lateral line receptors in gobies (Teleosts), Abstracts for the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neurosciences, Vol. 19, Part 2: 1580, 649.17. [Presented at Washington D. C., November 10, 1993]
Song, J., & A. N. Popper 1993. Hair cells in the mechanosensory lateral line receptors: evidence for two types based on ototoxicity sensitivity, [Presented at J. B. Johnston Club for Neurobiologists annual meeting, Washington D. C., November 7, 1993]
Song, J. 1993. Morphology, distribution and innervation of the lateral line receptors in gobies (Teleosts), Abstracts for the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neurosciences, 1993, Vol. 19, Part 2: 1580, 649.17. [Presented at Washington D. C., November 10, 1993]
Song, J. 1993. Innervation, orientation, and homology of head neuromasts in longitudinal versus transverse patterns in gobies, 73rd Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists:24 [Presented at Austin, TX, May 30, 1993]
Song, J. 1991. A survey of the phylogenetic distribution of morphological patterns of cephalic superficial neuromasts in teleost fishes, 71th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: 19 [Presented at New York, NY, June 18, 1991]
Song, J. 1990. Organization of the trigeminal motor nucleus of the clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria, Amer. Zool. 30 (4): 121A, 684 [Presented at ASZ Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, Dec. 29, 1990]
Song, J. 1989. Lateral line innervation and dermal bone homologies in fishes, 69th Annual Meeting American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: 147 [Presented at San Francisco, CA, June 20, 1989]
Song, J. 1988. Somatotopic organization of afferent fibers and efferent neurons in the lateral line system of garfish (Ginglymodi), Amer. Zool. 28 (4): 90A, 474 [Presented at ASZ Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 1988]
Song, J. 1986. Peripheral distribution of the lateral line nerves of garfish (Ginglymodi), Amer. Zool. 26 (4): 85A, 434 [Presented at ASZ Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, Dec. 1986]
Song, J. 1984. The distribution of the lateral line receptors in garfish (Holostei), Amer. Zool. 24 (4): 134A, 691 [Presented at ASZ Annual Meeting at Denver, CO, Dec. 1984]

項目名稱 所屬計劃 項目經費(萬元) 起止年月 本人承擔
魚類電感受與機械感受系統(tǒng)的發(fā)生、發(fā)育和進化的研究 上海市科委重點創(chuàng)新方向 120萬 2008-2010 主持
豚形目魚類應激行為的神經機理的研究 國家自然科學基金面上項目 32萬 2010-2012 主持


上海海洋大學 復試科目 F17《數據庫原理》入學考試初試(復試)大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F16《西方經濟學》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F14《管理學》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F13漁業(yè)水域生態(tài)環(huán)境保護和管理(參考教材)考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F12海洋漁業(yè)科學綜合知識(參考教材)考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F11環(huán)境學(參考教材)考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F10《食品工藝學》入學考試復試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F08《制冷技術》入學考試復試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F07《魚類增養(yǎng)殖學》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F06《水產動物疾病的基礎理論》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F05《水產動物營養(yǎng)與飼料學》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F04《水產動物遺傳育種學》入學考試初試(復試)大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F03《分子生物學》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F02《動物學》入學考試初試(復試)大綱上海海洋大學 復試科目 F01«生態(tài)學»入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 初試科目 913《海洋科學導論》入學考試初試大綱上海海洋大學 初試科目 417水產學科基礎綜合考試科目上海海洋大學 初試科目 416水產學科基礎綜合考試科目上海海洋大學 初試科目 342《農業(yè)知識綜合四》入學考試大綱上海海洋大學 初試科目 341《農業(yè)綜合知識三》碩士研究生入學考試科目
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